Sunday, March 28, 2010

One in Heart and Faith with 2009 Rookie of the Year Chris Coghlan

On March 19th, coach Chris Lane and the CCA middle school baseball team went to the Florida Marlins spring training game in Jupiter.  After the game, the CCA team, coaches, and a few parents enjoyed a lasagna dinner at the spring training home of Brett Carroll and Rookie of the Year Chris Coghlan.  Both Marlin players shared about their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and encouraged the young players to work hard, be strong, and remain steadfast in their faith.

What a great model...professional athletes, gifted by God, called to share their time, treasure, and testimony with the next generation, and "making disciples" of Jesus Christ by speaking the truth about baseball and life.

Hearing about playing in the "big leagues" and watching swing mechanics on the laptop was quite a thrill for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.  Knowing they have the same Savior and are one in heart and faith with "BC" (Brett Carroll) and R.O.Y. (Rookie of the Year Chris Coghlan)...priceless.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Building Blocks of a Building Program

CCA is embarking on a massive endeavor to upgrade our athletic facilities to the highest standards by the 2012 - 2013 school year.  This is a strategic initiative that will not only motivate the top local Christian athletes to attend CCA, but also inspire athletes from around the country to visit and share in genuine God-honoring competition.  Premier athletic facilities along with high academic standards will compliment CCA's mission to "Make Disciples" for the next generation.

There are a few building blocks that are foundational to our building program.  The first is a prayerful spirit.  Acts 6:4 says, "we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word."  Philipians 4:2 says, "Be United, Joyful, and in Prayer."  I could list dozens of verses that show the power of prayer and would compel all of us to get on our knees and talk with Almighty God.

The second building block is a loving heart.  The love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).  Why?  So, we can love others.  The Bible says when Jesus saw the multitudes in need He had compassion on them.  If we build something for our own glory, we labor in vain.  But, if we are more equipped to share Christ with lost souls because of a new Athletic Center or Football Stadium, then it can't be completed soon enough.  God is love, and we are to be imitators of God.

The third building block is willing hands.  Calvary Christian Academy is filled with men and women who live to serve.  Jon Bunch, Harry Mucerino, Lisa Stephenson, Noelle Reis, Kathy Shashaty, Steve Hornsby... the list goes on.  A building program takes many people willing to sacrifice for their children, your children, and the young men and women that will experience a spiritual transformation after visiting the campus at CCA.

Are you in?  Pray...Love...Serve!  Your commitment will have eternal ramifications.