Sunday, December 13, 2009

Getting personal

Our staff devotion and coaches training this week focused on an intimate and personal relationship with Jesus.  As we celebrate the birth of our Savior by getting together with family and friends, don't forget to spend some "alone time" with Christ the Lord.  This should be a daily discipline, but all too often the worries and events of the day cause us to skip the one thing that will enpower and protect us.

Another suggestion to keep the holy days bright is to focus on others.  If you're a Christian, you already have everything you need.  Try giving the gift of eternal life to every one of your family and friends who has yet to receive Jesus as Lord.  They may not "accept" it, but you should at least offer, hence the word present.

Check out this testimony from the team mom reporting on the middle school boys soccer game:
Neal Sevant scored one goal for CCA against a much older Hillel team. At the end of the game one of the players from the other team wanted to pray with Coach Licata and accepted Christ!

What you may not know is that Hillel is a Hebrew school.  But, coach Licata purposed in his heart to get personal and invited all the players to pray.  Most of them did not, but for the one who did, it will be a Christmas to remember.

Are you ready to get personal?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Outreach 5K Run/Walk 2009

Tha Calvary Chapel Outreach 5K Run/Walk exceeded expectations.  The Oasis HIVAIDS ministry and Calvary Christian Academy Athletics joined together with almost 600 people for an awesome day of fitness, food, and fellowship.  Our goal was to host a 5K run "set apart" from all the rest.  We focused on the ministries at Calvary Chapel and sharing the love of Christ with all the participants.

Steve and Donna Savage were excited to share about their calling to serve those stricken with HIVAIDS and the work being done at the All Saints AIDS Camp in the Bahamas.  Many people stopped by their tent to learn more about the ministry, and one person even offered them the use of their plane to help with travel.

I was able to highlight some of the God-stories that occured in athletics this fall like the fifteen or so players and coaches praying after a football game to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior .  Like the volleyball team who spent time at a convalescent home, the golf team who served at the Refuge, or boys basketball team who distributed food before Thanksgiving with Love Out Loud.  Our discipleship plan is clear, testifying to the gospel of God's grace, serving others, and reconciling those who are seperated from His amazing love.

Thanks to Pastor Bob for allowing us to have the Outreach Run on campus and for making available all of the church's resources and essentially closing down the campus for this one event.  Thanks to Pastor Fidel for opening the race with prayer and for challenging all the runners to remember "why are you running today?"  Thanks to Pastor Chet for going without sleep to fly over from the Bahamas to share his heart and tell us that there is more work to be done over in the Bahamas.  Thanks to Pastor Greg for encouraging all of us to get involved in small groups, especially the FCA Endurance Team.  Thanks to Pastor Billy and Pastor Jorge for "making connections" with the body.

Thanks to David Savatelli and the entire CCA advancement team (especially Karen Bakos and Ceri Usmar) and the scores of CCA parents, teachers, and administrators who volunteered their time and gave generously of their resources to the glory of God (especially Laura, Tami, Kathy, Lisa, Noel, Cindy, Wendy, and Keith for coordinating the volunteers, sponsors, communications, and t-shirts). Thanks to all the CCA sport teams for running and representing Christ "at all times."  To all who ran or walked to support this Outreach, thank you.

Special thanks to John Bunch in the parking ministry for setting up the course, monitoring thr gates, and keeping everyone safe.  To Matt Hickman, Kevin Lotterman, and the facilities team who coordinated all the trucks, tents, tables, toliets, and trash.   To Carolina Wiebe for the incredible course and race day logistics.  And to Gregg Mucerino and his dad, Harry, for their servants heart and for setting up the sound, water stations, and overseeing the food vendors.

Finally, thanks be to God our King for the great weather, for the joy and peace that comes from "running" in the Spirit, and for sending His Son to die on the cross so we might be saved.

I'm already looking forward to next year's Outreach Run.  See you at the Finish!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christ's provision... for that we're all thankful.

We started the year praying Psalm 90:17, "May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us- yes, establish the works of our hands."  And now as we look back and see all that He has provided, we give thanks.

Christ's provision meets all our needs.  His Word gives us everything we need for life and for godliness.  His Spirit gives us the authority and power to change the world. And, His amazing love never fails to comfort us.

After Friday's regional final football game against American Heritage Delray, we all needed some encouragement.  I received a call from our Certified Athletic Trainer, Cori Thompson, regarding an injury to Greg Mabin.  He seperated his shoulder in the game, but according to the doctor, Cori was able to "pop" it back in place preventing futher damage.  Cori told Mr. Mabin that she felt God had His hand on this team the entire season and this was just another example of His provision.

I'm sure thankful God brought us Cori and has blessed us with His transforming presence this season.  Now it's time to press on, to learn more about Christ and the power He offers, and to continue to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Start sharing your story, start conveying your conviction

Last week's challenge was to "hold nothing back that was helpful."  Pastor Bob's teaching this weekend emphasized sharing our story with others and conveying our convictions, and he emphasized starting today.  I received an email this week that concurred with his message and exhorted all of us to be radical, revolutionary, and relentless in sharing our testimony and the truth about eternal life.

Our Head Soccer Coach for the varsity girls, Marcel Bombonato, understands the importance of taking every opportunity to share the gospel.  Here's his report after Monday's match against Coral Springs Charter:
After the game we invited the guest team to a short devotional... at first the coach did not understand why, but after our team mixed with the opposing team, the coach gathered as well. Captain and Senior Meghan Mason led devotional/gospel presentation followed by CCA coach's speech and prayer. The guest school participated in the prayer and some players had an opportunity to fellowship and exchange personal info. Our attitude was the same, whether we won the game or not, we are in Love with Jesus, our race is to win 'more' for him not the final score!
Are you taking every opportunity to share your story and convey your convictions?  Does your team or family know your heart?  Have you told them how God has changed your life?  Have you warned them about the consequences of disobedience?  When was the last time you simply told someone, "Jesus loves you, and He's got a plan for your life?"

Start today!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hindsight is 20-20 (Acts 20:20)

Hindsight is the recognition of the possibilities of a situation after its occurance.  Too often people see others going in the wrong direction or bordering on disobedience, and they fail to confront them.  Paul says in Acts 20:20,
"I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly."
I challenged all of our coaches to hold nothing back.  If they see selfish behavior, they should correct, rebuke, and encourage the right behavior immediately.  Just as coaches address mistakes on the field as soon as they recognize them, we need to confont spiritual and social shortcomings as soon as we see them. Paul says in Acts 20:27,
"I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God."
Paul understood that everything matters.  Little things turn into bigger things.  We've all experienced that truth in our lives.  Our ministry as leaders, coaches, and parents is to share those experiences with young people so they don't go down the same path.  Our goal is to get them on the right path, so they can experience the blessings of walking in obedience.  In athletics, we tell our players to leave it all on the field.  Are you willing to help our youth understand God's will for their lives?

If you have a testimony about what God is doing through athletics in your life or on the CCA campus, please send it to

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Love the LORD your God

Last week a CCA golfer shot the fifth lowest round in the regional finals, but his hopes to advance to the state finals were dashed when he lost in a playoff.  The 6th ranked Eagles (#1 in offense) were defeated by Melborne Central Catholic (ranked 3rd in the state) on senior day.  The volleyball team lost to WA in the district finals.  It was a very emotional week.  How will the teams react? How does one deal with the highs and lows in sports? 

The Bible says to love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, and strength and your hope will be restored (Deut. 6:3-4).  Stay focused on what God has called and commanded you to do and you'll turn difficult circumstances into opportunities for growth.

This week is Homecoming. We'll have various activites to heighten school spirit.  We'll honor our football team, cheerleading squad, and alumni at the pep rally.  We'll travel to Benjamin for the volleyball regional quarter finals on Wednesday.  And, we'll play for the 1A district championship on Friday against American Heritage Delray.  But, our focus will remain the same - "making disciples", teaching our athletes that win or lose, we will continue to love and obey with everything we have.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


A good definition of an outreach can be found in 2 Cor. 5:15-21.  Paul says have no regard for yourself or for the things of this world, but instead live for Christ and bring others to Him. God made it possible for everybody to have a relationship with Him through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation - telling the world that their sins have been paid for and life has been restored. 
"He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
Sharing this good news and the love of Jesus is what outreaches at CCA are all about.  Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Outreaches like The Final Hour, Love Out Loud, or the CCFL Outreah 5K Run/Walk on December 5th are solely orchestrated to bring others to Christ and support the continued mission of "making disciples".

On December 12th, the CCA cheerleaders will embark on an outreach of their own.  The cheerleaders will bring Christmas gifts to a Miami homeless shelter, do arts and crafts, and cheer for them. The director of the shelter said, "the kids would love that."  They also plan to share the gospel by reading the Bible and sharing the true meaning of Christmas.

I pray that we will never grow tired of "making disciples" and our impact on this campus and in our community would be glorifying to our Lord Jesus Christ. Realizing God allows us to participate in "His divine nature and escape the corruption of this world" should keep us humble and focused on others.
See you at the Finish!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

"It's not what you do, it's who you are"

What's your reputation?  What are you known for?  In Titus 1:5-9, Paul gives us his reason for living.  As a servant of God, committed to obey God, Paul spent his life telling others about Christ.  This was who Paul was.  I encourage you to go through these verses (Titus 1:5-9) and notice that the leadership qualifications involve character, not knowledge or skill.

Last week, a parent from The King's Academy called to say she was so impressed with the football teams sportsmanship and attitude that she had to call.  She congratulated the team on a well played game, but what got her attention was one of our players approaching her son after the game to have a conversation. She said she looked around and all the players were partnered off talking to each other. I told her they were praying and briefly described the "one-on-one connection" discipleship plan. She said she had never seen anything like this before.  Even though we probably won the biggest game in the history of CCA, it's our character that will be remembered.

Here's an email I received this week from our Middle School football coach,
Chris, the coach from Ransom Everglades 6th grade football team, asked if I was involved with Athletics. He proceeded to tell me that he has been dealing with Calvary for the past three years and has always been so impressed with how we treat the people who visit for an athletic event and how we always make sure the right perspective is given.  He asked me to make sure our athletic department knew that and was very thankful. Then he said that we have been a great witness and that was coming from a team that has many Jewish families.

Finally, on Thursday, Dominick Pierre was interviewed on 560 WQAM because he was named the high school player of the week.  His stats were very impressive (6 touchdowns, over 300 yards rushing and receiving), but what was most noticeable was the class with which he conducted himself on the air.  He thanked the Lord, he thanked his mom, and he thanked his teammates.  Dominick is self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.

I pray this reminder that "it's not what you do, it's who you are" will encourage us to think less about ourselves and more about our relationship with Jesus.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's not over till it's over

Leading by 21 points late in the fourth quarter is a good feeling.  It may even be a good time to relax and start concentrating on some other task.  Well, if you witnessed the finish to last Friday's football game against Pope John Paul II, you know what I mean when I say, "it's not over till it's over." 

The score was 47 - 26 with only a few minutes left in the game, but the enemy kept attacking.  They scored once, recovered an on-side kick, scored again, recovered an onside kick, and with 14 seconds to go, on a field so dark the referees turned the offense around so the last play would be directed toward a light in the parking area, the QB scrambled and as the time expired, he launched a desperation pass to an uncovered receiver standing on the 5 yard line, who ran it in for the score.  All the other team had to do to pull off the "impossible" comeback was kick the extra point and the game would have been tied.  Fortunately, for the CCA Eagles, their parents, and their fans the extra point was "no good".  CCA won 47-46.

I, along with the faithful crowd who endured the 3 hour and 20 minute game, felt excited to win, relieved we didn't lose, and curious about how this game got to be so close.  Was it too dark to see?  Did the other team play really well in the fourth quarter?  Or, did we simply lose focus and fail to execute down the stretch?

One thing we do know is the Christian walk can be just like this football game.  Just when things get comfortable and we start to feel good about our effort (and not the work of the Lord), darkness creeps in and the enemy has an opportunity to defeat us.  As Christians, we need to put on the armor of God and be prepared to battle until the clock shows 00:00 (or the final trumpet sounds).  Disciples of Jesus can never let up.  There can't be a day when we say, "I don't need to rely on Christ. I don't need to pray about my kids today.  I don't need to pray about how to use my time." (Search Light, John Courson

Let me encourage all of us to stand firm in the faith, be on guard, and be strong, especially if you think the battle is over.  In this world we will face trials and tribulations daily, but the good news is Jesus has overcome this world and the final battle IS over.  Jesus has won and offers ALL who believe an eternity of victories.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's a miracle!

These past few weeks the entire CCA family has been praying for miracles - medical, spiritual, and physical. We asked the Lord to provide lungs for Rick Hornsby, to prepare the hearts of those who don't know Jesus, and to provide protection and valor for our football team as they played The King's Academy.

Just after noon time on Friday, we received news that a lung had become available for Rick (who had been on the donor list for only a few weeks).  And, later we found out that he would actually receive two lungs.  This was the beginning of a miraculous day.

Last year The King's Academy beat our football team 63-0.  This year the game may have been the greatest football experience in CCA history.  With the team trailing by 16 points with around four minutes to play, the Eagles mounted a "miraculous" comeback.  Tying the score with less than a minute to play and then winning in overtime, our young men will never forget how they pushed aside their fears, trusted God and each other, and triumphed 44-41.

But, if you've been following this blog, the God story continues to be about our mission to "Make Disciples" - raising up men and women willing to deny themselves daily, take up their cross, and follow Jesus.  When our players pray with the opposing team after a very emotional game and share the gospel, it puts what we've been called to do first.  I am so thankful for the team's commitment to represent Christ "at all times".  God continues to perform miracles... when people pray!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A rare eagle

On Thursday, the CCA boys varsity golf team improved their record to 9 wins and 1 loss with a victory over Coral Springs Christian and Westminster Academy.  Coach Fanning sent in this report,
God Moment: Johnny Jones made an EAGLE on the PAR 4 8th hole. Johnny holed it from 185 yards with a 3 wood!
Getting a two on a hole which usually requires four shots is a rare accomplishment, and I'm sure Johnny and his teammates were very excited.  But, the reason this is a God story has nothing to do with the team's record or the shot that when in the hole.

You see, three days before that match, Johnny's dad was telling me at CCA's "Back to School Night" that Johnny was thrilled to be sharing the gospel with his opponents while he was competing against them on the golf course.  He was living out the athletic department's discipleship challenge to make one-on-one connections, faithfully administering God's grace.  Now, that's something to get excited about.  So, this week's EAGLE AWARD goes to Johnny Jones... not so rare if you know Johnny.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Give it your all

So often in athletics we hear coaches encouraging athletes to "give it their all".  The Bible teaches if we want to follow Christ we must "surrender all".  And, this Friday when CCA celebrates it's 10th year, the theme of "CCA - 2 GR8R HEIGHTS" comes from Dueteronomy 6:5 which implores us to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."

But, what does "all" look like?  Can we truly give enough of ourselves to make a difference?  That will depend upon what you are full of.  If you are full of pride, fear, and self, your "all" is insufficient.  If your heart, soul, and strength has been penetrated, saturated, and enpowered by the Holy Spirit, and you are willing to deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow Jesus, then your "all" will impact your life as well as others around you.

This year the basketball program has adopted Luke 9:23 (quoted above) as the team verse.  My prayer is for the players to clothe themselves in humility and to be filled with the Spirit, so when they give their all, Christ will be exalted.  What does your all look like?  It depends on who you love and what's in your heart.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Set an example

Thanks to all the Calvary Christian faithful who came out after a frightening thunderstorm last night and witnessed a very solid performance by the football team who defeated visiting Southside Christian 37 - 14. But, this week's God story isn't about the football team or about the weather.  It's about the girls varsity volleyball team. 

Yes, the team is 4 - 1.  And, yes, they have many dominant players.  But, it's the outreach and ministry off the court that is starting to "set an example" for others teams to follow.  After Saturday morning's workout, the girl's visited for the second time the Grand Court Village, a local convalesent home.

Spending time with those in need is what God has called us to do.  Not only does it brighten up the day for those who rarely receive visitors, but it put's life in perspective as our girl's ponder health, wealth, and companionship.

I'm proud of our coaching staff and our girls for setting an example in conduct and in love.  Service aces, digs, blocks, and kills may receive the applause and the headlines, but sharing the love of Christ with someone in need and putting others first is discipleship and at CCA... "that's what we do!"

Monday, September 7, 2009

"...time to do the Lord's work"

After enduring more than an hour rain delay, the CCA football fans were treated to a very exciting, offensively charged football game last Friday at Pine Crest.  Parents, teachers, and some very enthusiastic students filled the stands in support of the players and coaches.  But, again, it's the action after the game that has the fans focusing on the middle of the field.

As the clock was running out, Pastor Topher over heard Sean Lashbrook telling another player, "Now it's time to do the Lord's work."  In what is becomming the most watched play of the night, the CCA players and coaches make one on one connections with the opposing team and pray.  Even the fans pause their post game planning and evaluations and begin to pray for the ministry at hand.  God is doing a mighty work in the hearts of our players, and their obedience "AT ALL TIMES" is having an impact for Christ not only on CCA's campus, but in schools across the state.

Brandon Knight, the nation's top basketball prospact and Pine Crest student, attended last Friday's game.  He wore a Nike t-shirt with the word "WITNESS" written accross the chest.  Usually, this refers to watching, or being an eye witness to, someone with exceptional talent or skill.  As I watched the Spirit of the Lord work in the middle of the football field, I was so thankful to be a "witness" to that which holds eternal rewards.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Making Disciples

CCA football hosted Inlet Grove on Friday in a preseason Kickoff Classic.  The team played well, but it's what happened after the game that answers the question, "What's God doing in athletics?"  Here's an email I received from Coach Trent Gamble following Friday's game:
"The guys did a great job today in the game and after.  In our one on one connection, 2 coaches received the Lord and two of our kids led two of their kids to the Lord from the opposing team.  One of our kids said three of them were close but not ready, but was able to challenge them. One of our players, Dominick, did the gospel with both teams in the middle and we had a chance to pray with everyone.   It was really good to see the vision come together."

A parent walked by me after the game and said when she saw the players praying with the other team that it was the coolest thing she ever saw and that it made her day.  Hopefully, that's something parents will say more and more at Calvary Christian Academy.  Our mission at CCA in all departments is to Make Disciples for Jesus Christ.
Trent Gamble's vision for "one-on-one connections" after the football game is having eternal ramifications.  Trent believes that the time spent competing against the other team provides the players with a relationtionship built on honor and mutual respect. After each game, a CCA player shares the Gospel and then our players (and our coaches) find the athlete they were matched up against and offer to pray for them.  And, as you read earlier, a few had the opportunity to lead souls to Christ.
Trent views every football game as an outreach, a platform to complete the task of testifying to the Gospel of God's grace.  His spiritual focus puts his athletic passion (football) in the proper perspectice.  What are you focused on?  Why do you do what you do?  Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and I'll see you at the finish!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


One of our goals this year is to strengthen the discipleship of CCA staff and students. Coach Trent Gamble challenged his football players to "follow Christ at all times" during the first two weeks of practice. On the field the players were tested physically battling heat and exhaustion.  Off the field they were strecthed spiritually, disciplining themselves to go before the Lord and grow in their faith.

Each player was given a daily assignment in God's Word and after two weeks, Coach Gamble selected six players to be the small group leaders for the rest of the year. They are Dominique Pierre, Kyle Whitley, Alex Garner, RJ Barnett, Kyle Lee, and Geoff Gregory.

Coach Gamble said, "they will be held to the standard of a leader and I am looking forward to seeing them grow and to seeing them lead on and off the field. Please keep all of these guys in prayer as I know they will be tempted and challenged."  2 Timothy 2:2 says. "commit (the things you have heard from God's Word) to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."  Coach Gamble gets it!  These six football players get it.

Are you reday to step out and lead by following Christ at all times?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

One thing I ask the Lord

A week before school starts and the pace around the athletic department has quickened. We're busy finalizing schedules, officials, equipment, transportation and the dozens of other details that affect our 16 teams that will participate at CCA this fall. And, I'm sure our administrators, teachers, coaches, moms, dads, and students are feeling the same pressures preparing for a new school year.

Turning to the only source for answers and peace, the Bible says in Acts 20:24 "if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." It was Paul's single mindedness that made him the greatest missionary of all time.

Psalm 27:4 says, "One thing I ask the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple." Pastor Mark used this verse yesterday at the "Born for More" men's conference held at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale to make the point that career satisfaction and personal success come from simplifying things and narrowing the focus.

Colossians 3 tells us to set our hearts and minds on things above. This means STOP STRESSING OUT and focus on what God has called us to do...make disciples. Seek first His kingdom and God will take care of the rest.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

CCA Athletics

My name is Dana Ridenour and I'm the new Athletic Director at Calvary Christian Academy. One of the most important ingredients in building a successful program is crystal clear communication. This blog entitled "what's God doing in athletics?" will give you an inside look into the ministry at CCA we call athletics. It's intended to go beyond the stats and records that can be found on our website, and simply report the incredible God stories that happen each week at CCA. I will report on everything from team outreaches in the community to personal testimonies of changed lives right here on campus. My prayer for myself, my team, all the administrators and pastors, all the players, and all the parents is that God would give us complete knowledge of his will and give us spiritual wisdom and understanding and that this blog, the athletic program, and the entire CCA family would honor and please the Lord.