Sunday, August 29, 2010

Great is Thy faithfulness!

1 Thessalonians 4:3 says, "For this is the will of God, your sanctification..."  Sanctification is the purifying work of the Holy Spirit that makes us more like Jesus.  It happens through the reading of the Word, through worship, through teaching, and through fellowship.  But, sanctification also takes place during tests, trials, and tribulations.  Remember, it's how we react to an opportunity or challenge that determines how much or how little our actions and attitude are like Christ.

This week at CCA we had many opportunities to see God work in us and through us.  But Friday, was one busy day.

At 7:30 AM... I had to inform a dad that his two sons were ineligible for the entire football season.  Due to an FSHAA rule on when forms needed to be turned in, the boys could not play.  I told him we would see what we could do, and he and the family should pray to see what God would do.

10:30 AM... Chapel time on Friday's at CCA.  Pastor Bob declared God has a place, pace, and purpose for every student.  Some are called to academics, some to music or drama, some to athletics, the point is God's place, pace, and purpose should be respected and encouraged by all.  He concluded by saying pastors, teachers, and coaches are there to come along side and help students reach their goal, not the goal others may have had in mind for them, but the life God has prepared.

11:00 AM... A coach hustling to get the field ready for the afternoon football game flips his golf cart and is thrown from the seat and lands on the pavement.  He's pretty banged up, but he manages to complete his work.  Thank God he wasn't more seriously hurt and kudos to this individual who's heart and determination give us a glimpse at what it means to be "set-apart", serving no one else but the Lord.

After lunch it got even busier.  But, let me tell you... God is FAITHFUL.  Our prayers and dependence on Him brought us closer to the Lord.  Friday's football game was excellent.  Great play and after the game great conversations about what God is doing in athletics and who Jesus is, to which two players from the other team asked about starting their own relationship with Christ.

Then, on Sunday, the FHSAA said they would give us some latitude and granted the two boys their eligibility.  Great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see! 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

One of the hardest days of my life

I thought dropping Adam off at college would be no big deal. There was nothing presumably difficult about unpacking the car, setting up his dorm room, and buying the neccessary supplies.  But when it came time to say good-bye,  I could no longer hold back the emotions.  He was about to begin his life on his own, and it made my heart break.  Not because he wasn't ready, but because his brother, sister, mom, and I would miss having him at home. He was an incredible help around the house, sure, but it was his character that made everything so enjoyable.

I am so proud of the man Adam has become.  He loves Jesus, he loves his family, and he loves others.  He will major in Accounting, but he will learn about LIFE at the University of Florida... at football games, in the library, doing laundry, riding his bike, and attending church and small groups with his friends.  He's been looking forward to this opportunity for scholastic advancement and a chance to "test" his knowledge and his walk.

God Himself has promised to sanctify him through and through until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and to be with him always.  The Word of God has been poured into him the last 8 years by the pastors and teachers at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale and Calvary Christian Academy.  We have prayed and prayed and prayed for him, with him, and with others, and have given him all the advice a young man heading to college could possibly absorb.

So, why am I so sad?  I don't know.

All I can do is to continue to pray that God will fill him with the knowledge of His will and that he may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Want to become more like Christ? Participate in Athletics!

Why do we love sports so much? Is it because hard work and discipline usually pay off? Is it because sometimes the underdog wins? Is it because it takes enormous skill to play at the highest levels?
It may be all of those, but do you know why I really love sports? Because athletic competition forges Godly character. Athletics has a way of bringing out what's really in your heart.  If it's a good attitude, praise the Lord.  If it's a bad attitude, coaches and parents get a chance to rebuke, correct, and encourage so a character transformation can take place.

It's not how good you play or how bad you play, it's not about winning or losing, it's not about the college you can get into if you're really good... it's about how you react to your performance, it's about your attitude about the outcome of the game, it's about the impact you can have on any college campus for Christ!

Becoming more Christlike through Athletics is a relentless pursuit of excellence.  It's about making corrections and adjustments, it's about working harder so the next time it might be different. It's about heart, integrity, and perseverence. It's about reflecting Christ!

"We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God." In 2 Corinthians 5:20, Paul reminds us that our relationship with the Lord needs to be genuine because we represent Christ. Our attitude and our actions have eternal ramifications. At Calvary Christian Academy, we take that charge very seriously.

Every event, every class, and every game is about one thing... learning about God's love and sharing God's love with others. On November 6th, Calvary Christian Academy will host the second annual CCA 5K Run/Walk to benefit CCA Athletics. CCA has 13 sports programs (including lacrosse), 100 coaches, and 500 student-athletes all focused on one mission... Making Disciples of Jesus Christ! Please pray about your involvement in genuine kingdom building. Click on to help us build Godly character and impact a community for Christ!