But, as hard fought and physical as this game was, it was the spiritual battle that brought both teams to their knees in the middle of the field after the game. Jameson Offerdahl, CCA's middle linebacker, stood in front of both teams and shared the CCA football team creed.
Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross I have a relationship with God. As a man I have put away childish things and I choose to represent that relationship at all times.I am confident the Patriot players, coaches, and parents were elated by the win and may have expected from CCA a short post game prayer before running off to celebrate. But, for an 8th grader to step up and share his teams' creed with the opposing team right after the game and ask them to let him know if they had any questions about their own relationship with Jesus, it makes you (it made me) stop and ponder.
To all of the parents in the stands, it displays love and a commitment that regardless of the outcome, we will honor God. It shows that Jameson and his teammates have truly chosen to represent Jesus Christ "at all times". It shows that discipleship in athletics IS the focus and it's having an impact on our community.
And it begs the question, who do we need to tell?