Wednesday, November 16, 2011

True Christianity

Here's a wonderful testimony we received from an opposing team's mother.  We defeated her son's team 47 - 12, and they still felt we were the "nicest kids" they played.  Go CCA Eagles!  Go God!

Dear Kirk,

I wanted to write you about the game your team played against my son's team (Ransom Everglades). This season our team played several "Christian" schools in which bad sportsmanship conduct became the norm. I can not tell you how pleased I was to hear from my son that your school was different. Having gone to a Christian school (which we do not play), I had grown tired of hearing from my son that the Christian schools we were playing were full of junkies on the field. I asked my son how Calvary Christian was different and he gave me the example of when he hit the QB and the QB said "way to go #72, keep it up". I also spoke with several other Ransom players who said the same thing, that your school had the nicest kids on the field. So, way to go Coach, keep it up!! You restored my faith in how a True Christian school should behave.

Thank you,
