Tha Calvary Chapel Outreach 5K Run/Walk exceeded expectations. The Oasis HIVAIDS ministry and Calvary Christian Academy Athletics joined together with almost 600 people for an awesome day of fitness, food, and fellowship. Our goal was to host a 5K run "set apart" from all the rest. We focused on the ministries at Calvary Chapel and sharing the love of Christ with all the participants.
Steve and Donna Savage were excited to share about their calling to serve those stricken with HIVAIDS and the work being done at the All Saints AIDS Camp in the Bahamas. Many people stopped by their tent to learn more about the ministry, and one person even offered them the use of their plane to help with travel.
I was able to highlight some of the God-stories that occured in athletics this fall like the fifteen or so players and coaches praying after a football game to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior . Like the volleyball team who spent time at a convalescent home, the golf team who served at the Refuge, or boys basketball team who distributed food before Thanksgiving with Love Out Loud. Our discipleship plan is clear, testifying to the gospel of God's grace, serving others, and reconciling those who are seperated from His amazing love.
Thanks to Pastor Bob for allowing us to have the Outreach Run on campus and for making available all of the church's resources and essentially closing down the campus for this one event. Thanks to Pastor Fidel for opening the race with prayer and for challenging all the runners to remember "why are you running today?" Thanks to Pastor Chet for going without sleep to fly over from the Bahamas to share his heart and tell us that there is more work to be done over in the Bahamas. Thanks to Pastor Greg for encouraging all of us to get involved in small groups, especially the FCA Endurance Team. Thanks to Pastor Billy and Pastor Jorge for "making connections" with the body.
Thanks to David Savatelli and the entire CCA advancement team (especially Karen Bakos and Ceri Usmar) and the scores of CCA parents, teachers, and administrators who volunteered their time and gave generously of their resources to the glory of God (especially Laura, Tami, Kathy, Lisa, Noel, Cindy, Wendy, and Keith for coordinating the volunteers, sponsors, communications, and t-shirts). Thanks to all the CCA sport teams for running and representing Christ "at all times." To all who ran or walked to support this Outreach, thank you.
Special thanks to John Bunch in the parking ministry for setting up the course, monitoring thr gates, and keeping everyone safe. To Matt Hickman, Kevin Lotterman, and the facilities team who coordinated all the trucks, tents, tables, toliets, and trash. To Carolina Wiebe for the incredible course and race day logistics. And to Gregg Mucerino and his dad, Harry, for their servants heart and for setting up the sound, water stations, and overseeing the food vendors.
Finally, thanks be to God our King for the great weather, for the joy and peace that comes from "running" in the Spirit, and for sending His Son to die on the cross so we might be saved.
I'm already looking forward to next year's Outreach Run. See you at the Finish!