Sunday, August 15, 2010

Want to become more like Christ? Participate in Athletics!

Why do we love sports so much? Is it because hard work and discipline usually pay off? Is it because sometimes the underdog wins? Is it because it takes enormous skill to play at the highest levels?
It may be all of those, but do you know why I really love sports? Because athletic competition forges Godly character. Athletics has a way of bringing out what's really in your heart.  If it's a good attitude, praise the Lord.  If it's a bad attitude, coaches and parents get a chance to rebuke, correct, and encourage so a character transformation can take place.

It's not how good you play or how bad you play, it's not about winning or losing, it's not about the college you can get into if you're really good... it's about how you react to your performance, it's about your attitude about the outcome of the game, it's about the impact you can have on any college campus for Christ!

Becoming more Christlike through Athletics is a relentless pursuit of excellence.  It's about making corrections and adjustments, it's about working harder so the next time it might be different. It's about heart, integrity, and perseverence. It's about reflecting Christ!

"We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God." In 2 Corinthians 5:20, Paul reminds us that our relationship with the Lord needs to be genuine because we represent Christ. Our attitude and our actions have eternal ramifications. At Calvary Christian Academy, we take that charge very seriously.

Every event, every class, and every game is about one thing... learning about God's love and sharing God's love with others. On November 6th, Calvary Christian Academy will host the second annual CCA 5K Run/Walk to benefit CCA Athletics. CCA has 13 sports programs (including lacrosse), 100 coaches, and 500 student-athletes all focused on one mission... Making Disciples of Jesus Christ! Please pray about your involvement in genuine kingdom building. Click on to help us build Godly character and impact a community for Christ!

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