It's great to get encouraging letters and emails from coaches who had recently played our teams and noticed a difference. Keep praying for the ministry of athletics at CCA as we shed the light of Christ in a dark world of sports.
Here's an email that compliments the CCA varsity boys soccer team and staff...
Hi Brother,
I just wrote to Coach Barnett and want to thank you for allowing our team to play at your fine facility and for being gracious hosts.
I thought the match was very competitive, with CCA doing more than just hanging in against a 4A school. Yesterday's match definitely could have gone either way.
I thought your kids handled themselves extremely well, especially in some sequence of the game where the aggression was intense (but clean). We've played another "Christian" school in a tournament a few years ago, and as a Christian I was disappointed to hear the F-word coming from the kids' mouth -- and I don't blame the coach because he really can't control EVERYTHING.
As a reporter (with the Herald), I've had mixed experiences with Christian schools as well, but CCA has consistently done a great job of reflecting Christ's grace. And the experience yesterday was satisfying; I hope my boys represented themselves as, well, a team coached by a believer.
God bless you and hope we can do this an annual event!
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